Saturday, March 22, 2008


Hi Test,

I'd like to share with you a few natural ways you can eliminate disease causing toxins from your body, loose some weight naturally, and boost your overall immune system... These are the 3 most important steps you need to take to totally renew your health.

1. Detox Your Body

Research has shown that environmental pollution enters the blood stream via food, water supply and the atmosphere. When pollution enters the blood stream, it causes toxins to build up in the body and the delicate balance in organs, such as the liver (the body's natural filtering system) can be affected.

Environmental pollution, fast foods, drugs, alcohol, sedentary lifestyles – it's no wonder we feel sluggish and de-motivated! To start fresh and new, flush out toxins naturally through cleansing and body detoxification to promote the body's natural ability to perform its functions properly and cleanly!

To support body detoxification it is a good idea to start by drinking plenty of water (8 glasses a day) to help flush out and hydrate your system, as well as promote water balance in the body.

Eating fruits and vegetables and the daily recommendation of fiber will also aid in natural detoxification at home and help to naturally regulate your system. Never forget the power of physical exercise. Having a good workout will promote sweating – another great way to promote cleansing and body detoxification!

There are now various published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support natural detoxification at home through the routine flushing out of the stomach and digestive system. This promotes toxin elimination by the liver.

Detox Drops are a 100% safe, non-addictive natural herbal remedy formulated for adults by our team of natural health experts. Detox Drops contain a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in promoting liver health and well-being.

Detox Drops can be used as part of a gentle detoxification program to safely cleanse and flush out the system. It supports the body's natural ability to remove toxins and waste by-products, without harmful side effects and without harsh laxatives.

By cleansing and refreshing all body systems, Detox Drops can also represent a wonderful start to any new program to stop smoking, fight addiction or address unhealthy weight issues.


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