Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nature Powerful Health Secret

Today, I want to share with you one of the most researched
natural food remedies in the world today - Chlorella. The
name Chlorella comes from the root Chloros, meaning green.

We have an undeniable connection between our human DNA,
our environment and our food. Leading scientists are cracking
the food code that nurtures our health and wellness.

You have more than 10 trillion cells in your body and more
than 100 trillion beneficial single celled bacteria in your
digestive system.

Every one of your cells and every one of those beneficial
bacteria depend on specific green nutrients to carry out
their functions.

It’s no surprise the primary source of these green nutrients
comes from healing plants. Ironically, the most superior
nutrients come from some of the smallest food sources on
the planet and Chlorella is the most amazingly potent and
beneficial of ALL!

Your body’s cells need vitamins, minerals and trace elements
to stay healthy. Without sufficient nutrients to build tissue
your body cannot stay alive.

Research shows time and time again that disease’s and
disease-like processes are always a consequence of lack
of required nutrients for healthy cells.

Here's some of the green nutrients hidden in Chlorella:

• Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, carotene, folic acid,
biotin, inositol and choline

• Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Phosphor, Sodium, Potassium,
Zinc, Copper, Magnesium and Urea

• Amino acids: Arginine, Lysine, Histidine, Phenylalanine,
Typosine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Valine,
Alanine, Glycine, Proline, Glutamic-acid, Serine,
Threonine, Aspartic-acid, Tryptophane and Cystine

• Healthy Fatty Acids: Approximately 72% unsaturated and
21% saturated fat

• Chlorophyll: The highest known source of chlorophyll
(5 to 10 times greater than any other plant)

Here's 7 more beneficial hidden secrets in Chlorella:

1. Polysaccharides: More than 50 cellular nutrients with
antitumor, antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic functions.

2. Chlorellan: Having safe natural antibiotic-like benefits
with ZERO negative side effects to the body-friendly
bacteria in your gastro-intestinal tract.

3. Sporopollenin: A carotenoid polymer that is part of the
strong cell wall of Chlorella, but only of the strain
Pyrenoidosa (not Vulgaris), which accelerates the
detoxification of different toxic chemicals/pollutants.

4. Glutathione: This King of anti-oxidants may also help
fight against toxic bacteria and is the main enzyme for
detoxification inside your own cells.

5. Phytosterols: Unique to Chlorella shows anti-inflammatory
and anti-tumor properties.

6. Water-soluble Glycoproteins: Proven to increase immune
defense against different harmful bacteria and virus
infections in normal and immune compromised hosts.

7. Xanthophyll: Also known as lutein, is the dominant
carotenoid that protects our eyes. Xanthophyll is
especially concentrated in the macula, the true center of
sight at the back of the retina. It does, for example,
absorb the damaging ultra-violet rays.

Plus . . .

- Chlorella possesses wound healing and tissue regeneration
properties and acts like a natural antibiotic.

- Chorella helps to control odors from bad breath,
incontinence, or people with colostomies.

- Chlorella increases energy levels and metabolism

- Chlorella can reduce hypertension and strengthen the heart
of people suffering from heart diseases.

- Chlorella helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body

It is estimated that at least 97% of diseases exist due to
under nutrition and environmental toxins!

Despite your best efforts, you still live in a very toxic
world . . . you are surrounded by toxins of all kinds, some
worse than others. These toxins tax any nutrients you are
managing to get.

Chlorella is a smart remedy to begin to detoxify your body
and strengthen your digestive system, which strengthens
your immune system as well.

Research projects carried out mainly in the US and Japan
have shown the powerful detoxification properties of
Chlorella for dioxin, PCB, lead, uranium, cadmium, mercury,
pesticides and insecticides.

In concert with one of the foremost leading researchers on
detoxification, Dr. Mercola did a study that was published
in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine in
March of 2001 . . .

This study concluded the fact that, "Chlorella works to
effectively filter out harmful toxins from the body."

After completing this exhaustive study Dr. Mercola gained
access to the very best Chlorella available anywhere and
formulated ..'The Broken Cell Wall Chlorella Formula..'

Bottom line - Chlorella has proven to be a highly potent
nutritional "all-in-one-formula" and is clearly one Nature's
most powerful health secrets . . .


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