Sunday, November 23, 2008

Understand Your Colon

Your digestive system health is critically important to your
overall health, especially the health of your colon.

Here's a quick snapshot of human digestion. . .

First, your food is taken in through the mouth and mixed with
saliva in the chewing process.

Then it passes down the esophagus, past the esophageal
sphincter, into the stomach.

The stomach contains hydrochloric acid strong enough to
dissolve metal, with a pH of about 1.5 to 3, usually around
2, which kills bacteria and helps digest proteins.

Food then passes to the small intestine, where most enzymatic
digestion occurs. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder make
secretions into the small intestines.

Then it moves into the large intestine, also called the colon.

The colon re-absorbs water and nutrients. Gases are produced
as food is fermented. Waste is stored in the rectum until


Here's a special mini-report on colon health I thought you'd
find intriguing. . . and shocking.

Why colon health?

Because most of us are carrying around equivalent to the
weight of 40 Big Macs of unwanted sludge INSIDE our colons!

This can not only lead to the inability to shed pounds, but
can also lead to some rather severe consequences.

Do you remember the old Roto-Rooter jingle?

It first aired on radio back in the 50's and became one of
the longest running musical jingles in the history of
advertising. . .

Here are the words:

"Roto-Rooter, that's the name, and away go troubles down
the drain."

Roto-Rooter became famous for their special machine that
used a snake-like steel cable to clear clogged sewer pipes
and without needing to dig up the whole yard.

What does this have to do with your colon? Plenty!

You see your colon is a lot like those clogged sewer pipes
that helped Roto-Rooter become a household name and remain
in business now for over 70 years.

Years of living on the "Standard American Diet" result in
the "clogging up" of your personal sewer system, the colon.

Fecal matter gets imbedded into the folds and crevices of
your colon and starts to putrify (rot). The proteolytic
bacteria involved in this putrification process start to
overgrow and produce toxins that, as you learned previously,
seep through walls of your colon and cause innumerable
health problems.


This brings us to the heart of our discussion: Colon Cancer

It is more commonly called colorectal cancer because it can
invade both the colon and the rectum. Colorectal cancer is
the second-leading cause of U.S. cancer deaths for men and
women combined.

Did you know that most colorectal cancers are tumors that
develop from the glands LINING the colon's inner wall?

Why is this important?

Well, if you knew that the inner walls of your colon were
constantly being bombarded with toxins generated by putrified
fecal buildup, it wouldn't be a big jump to correlate this
toxic exposure to the development of colorectal cancer tumors.

Quote from the Fellow of the Royal College Of Surgeons and
Physician to England's Royalty - Dr. W. Arbuthnot Lane:

"The lower end of the intestine is of the size that requires
emptying every six hours, but by habit we retain its contents
twenty-four hours. The result is ulcers and cancer."

If only the walls of your colon could talk. They just might
be sending you an S.O.S. message!

Again, sorry for graphic word pictures, but I thought this
message was important enough to share with you.


Blogger Kevin said...

A regular colon cleansing is important to maintain general health and the health of the colon. Not many people know that the colon produces many of the nutrients our body needs to support healthy levels of cholesterol and blood glucose. This happens when fiber is fermented in the colon, producing nutrients. Fiber is also useful for forming the bulk in waste matter. The bulk helps to scrape the intestinal walls during transit, removing accumulated waste matter lying in its crevices. Natural colon cleansers should contain fiber. Aloe is also useful as a natural and safe laxative.

New Vitality - Herbal Supplement Company

11:31 PM


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