"B" Smart with B Vitamins
Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women in the
I agree with the recommendation of the American Heart Association that there is no need to add a dietary supplement to your diet but, instead, to make sure you eat foods rich in folic acid and vitamin B.
What are good sources of these B vitamins? Eggs, fish, shellfish, cheese, asparagus, spinach, liver, and meat are some common sources. Organ meats, such as liver, and wheat germ can also contribute B vitamins to your diet. In addition, since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandated in 1998 that enriched cereal-grain products be fortified with folic acid, many of the ready-to-eat cereals you may already be enjoying provide 100 percent of the daily requirement of these B vitamins.
I also wanted to let people know that other natural sources are milk, whole grains, yeast, beans, and some green leafy vegetables. As far as it being synthetically made, getting your vitamins from food is far better, but if you need to supplement, studies have shown that they work more effectively when they're in a formula with liver extract, yeast, or both. As far as toxicity, there's usually not a problem if you're taking 1 or 2 tablets a day from a reputable manufacturer and as long as you're following the manufacturer's recommendations for specific B vitamins. B complex will also usually produce bright yellow urine, so don't freak out. This is caused by the B2 (riboflavin, also used as a food coloring) and it's harmless. Ideally, all the B vitamins should be taken together to eliminate the risk of high doses of one unbalancing the availability of the others. Sometimes larger doses of individual ones may be needed, but would still be best together with a B complex formula. My family and I take a wonderful supplement that provides all the vitamins and minerals your body needs on a daily basis. It's a great way to fill in those nutritional gaps we're all guilty of allowing in our diets. It's all natural, plant based, and best of all it's whole food, not synthetic, isolated vitamins. The same company also puts out an awesome weight loss supplement that really helped me get back on track after my 2nd pregnancy. It, too, is all natural, plant based, and whole food nutrition. I'd love to give you all helpful details, but I don't think I'm allowed to on this post. If you'd like more information you can email me at beabetteru@yahoo.com and I'll be happy to share. Good luck to you all in balancing out those ever important vitamins and minerals!
Everyone should be taking five basic vitamin suppliments because it is virtually impossible to maintain a steady intake of our recommended daily vitamin requirements (RDA). The five forms of suppliments I suggest are;
1) a name brand daily multiple vitamin vitamin (the name brands are more concerned about product liability) Centurum or One-A-Day.
2)extra vitamin "C" , because many people need more than the RDA that is in the daily multivitamin. Mega doses of vitamin "C" has been proven to cure schzofrinia. 80% of the human population suffers from some measure of this disease.
3)extra B's vitamins in the form of Super B-Complex vitamins - these B-complex vitamins are hard to find in our food but are most vital to fight physical, emotional, and chemical stress. If fact the chemical stress caused by insecticides depleats these vitamins faster than we can replace them without suppliments and causes migrain headachs. The insectcides ( chemical stress ) stress depleats our B's from our metabolism and then our bodies have to find them in our spinal cord lining and when they are depleated from there the body goes to the base of the brain and begins to cause brain damage: which is reversable by taking extra b-Complex vitamin with your daily. Deficiantcies of these B-Complex vitamins because of chemical stress, I believe, is the reason that we have Parkinson's, Altheimer's, and Demencia.
4) extra vitamin "E" about 200 mg to start then up to 400 mg to assit me amune system in combating free radicals such as those found in margarine.
5) finally the lastest discover is that Omega three, and Omega 4 (fish oil) can reduce your chances of heart attach and stroke from 30% to 50% and very important for women. Men should only take extra Iron only as recommended by a doctor and should avoid them if you live at higher geographical elevations ( 4000 + plus feet above sea level. I am 55 yrs. and have been practicing what I am preaching here since I was 30 yrs. I still feel and work as if I were 30 and I am about five pounds heavier that I was when I graduated from high school: 5'10" and 167 pounds. The extra added benefit of taking suppliments is that first your will accomplish a stable metabolism: when that happens your body stops storing unneccessary fats. So if you are over weight try my formulae and watch the pounds drop off no matter what you eat.
P.S. You should never take vitamin suppliments on an empty stomach or without food. I remember to take my vitamins (first thing in the morning) by treating myself to a fried pie or sandwich and my favorite drink this helps to make sure that all 5 vitamin tablets go down into the stomach so that I can metabolise them.
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