Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu - Don’t Eat Pork Meat or You Are Pig Too

Swine or pig (glamorous name) is the dirtiest animal on earth. Even the dirtiest animal still can be cooked and eat by the smart people (they think they are smart).

Mathematics equation: a=b, b=c then a=c –> replace a with pork meat, dirty with b, human who eat pork meat with c.

Do you eat pork? You are stupid if you eat pork meat. A lot of other nicer meat than pork. Why must pig? I even heard people eating pig’s blood. Gross.

Swine Flu a.k.a Swine Influenza

Swine flu can stir the world economy. World are currently hurt by the inflation, recession and war. If you still remember the bird flu epidemic, a lot of people dead including the profesional adult. Doctor is inclusive. It is because doctor are expose to the bacteria more than us.

Terminology of Swine Flu

According to wiki, swine flu can be interpret as:

Swine influenza (also swine flu) refers to influenza caused by any strain of the influenza virus that is endemic in pigs (swine).

Pig and politics is equal according to the equation stated above even though pig born with the nice pink color. I still remember the schooling days when the blue color van came every after lunch and dinner to grab rubbish to feed pigs and tonne of pigs.

Pigs eat rubbish. Bribery equal to rubbish. Politicians eat rubbish. Am I correct? I feel so tired and can’t focus on the topics that I should write, swine/pig flu.

If you think that you eat or sit beside people who eat pork meat, then please verify the symptom. Have you eat from the bribery money before? Then you must encounter the symptom above.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Through the years I have witnessed the incredible natural healing powers of the body
first hand. I have no doubt that by following natural principles you
can experience this same healing power for your sexual dysfunction. Natural remedies have been proven affective long before modern drugs were introduced.

Every culture that I know of has praised some kind of sexual tonic, aphrodisiac or sexual performance enhancing food. Sexual remedies of this nature empower the whole person,
rather than just treat a diagnosis. Sexual health is a direct indicator of your overall
wellbeing. Modern science now agrees sexual virility can be yours “at any age.”

Your sexual performance depends upon the health of your cell membranes. The new science emerging from our understanding of these natural remedies proves the connection is undeniable.

Visualize your body has as a metabolic "thermostat". Bytapping into the natural energy hidden within specific food sourced nutrients, you can "re-set" your sexual thermostat.

If you find your metabolic thermostat is lower than it once was, you can use natural principles to raise it back up. What happens when you adjust the thermostat in your home?
You will notice two things:
1) An automatic process is activated.
2) The environment gradually responds to this process.

You can turn it down or turn it up, the process is the same but the results are completely different. Fact is either way you adjust it, it takes time to get the new result. You body
works the same way!

This is an oversimplification, but it gives you the idea. There is solid science to support both “the stimulus” and “the change.” Your sexual genes are turned on and off by protein switches, called bio-switches.

It is a well known fact that your external and internal environments stimulate these protein switches and they express your genetic potential. So don’t accept limp excuses from your doctor, you were born to have strong erections at every age.

You haven’t lost the sexual potential you once enjoyed; you’ve just unknowingly turned off the wrong genetic switches.

If your sexual desire or performance seems to have been turned off, your cellular switchboard simply needs you to turn it back on, and keep it on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Unhealthy Chinese-Food Choices

The seven most unhealthy choices at a Chinese restaurant

The next time you're at a Chinese restaurant, back away from the fried rice and think twice, many dishes are loaded with sodium, oil and carbs

1. and 2.

Fried rice and lo mein:
Those dishes are basically three quarters of a day's calories, and you're just getting four or five cups of white rice or white noodles with oil and a sprinkling of vegetables. They're especially dangerous because they're often served alongside people's main orders and deliver "not much more than a smattering of vegetables or protein from the meat. People should steer clear entirely of the noodle dishes and instead focus on choices that'll deliver a few more nutrients, such as mixed vegetables or tofu.

3. Chow fun:
This dish is made of wider rice noodles and might taste more healthy than lo mein, but it's not. The noodles are thicker, but they're going to do the same damage to your belly and blood pressure as the lo mein.

4. Crispy (orange) beef:
Many meat-based menu items simply offer "hunks of fried meat." What you're getting is three quarters of a pound of deep-fried meat, garnished with vegetables.

5. Lemon chicken:
A plate of lemon chicken contains 1,400 calories, two thirds of a day's fat and no vegetables.

6. General Tso's chicken:
Though some restaurantgoers think chicken is a healthier option than pork and beef, it isn't necessarily. General Tso's chicken features breaded, deep-fried chicken chunks that are then soaked in sauce; ...that one plate has about 1,300 calories and half a day's worth of saturated fat.

7. Barbequed spare ribs:
These "appetizers" pack a punch—one plate of spare ribs carries two thirds of a day's worth of saturated fat and 600 calories. Dumplings, steamed or pan-fried, are much more health-friendly.

The best way to cut the sodium out of your Chinese restaurant meal is to opt for steamed vegetables, but that's no fun.
Stir-fried dishes, such as shrimp with garlic sauce, Szechuan shrimp, moo goo gai pan and chicken with black bean sauce all contain less than 1,000 calories a plate, and vegetarian dishes such as stir-fried mixed vegetables, ma po tofu and Szechuan string beans also are healthier. These alternatives are all still heavy on the salt, so think about ordering the sauce on the side.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dont' Take Antibiotics For Urinary Tract Infections

I have an exciting new breakthrough discovery about a little-known substance to protect your urinary tract . . .without all the processed sugar found in cranberry juice.

Harvard studies confirm the effectiveness of cranberry to cure urinary tract infections. But the challenge is finding a natural source of potent cranberry that isn’t adulterated with sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

As you already know sugar is the trigger that inflames the delicate tissues and fuels your urinary tract infection. That’s why so many people who drink cranberry juice don’t experience a “complete” turn-around. The sugar literally feeds the Candida fungus and the bad bacterium
that caused the urinary tract infection in the first place.

But first, for those first time readers, here’s 7 hygiene tips to help keep a health urinary tract:

1. Drink plenty of non-chlorinated water every day.
2. Urinate when you feel the need, don’t resist the urge!
3. Wipe front to back to prevent bacteria from entering
your urethra.
4. Take showers instead of hot tub baths.
5. Cleanse your genitals before & after sexual intercourse.
6. Avoid using feminine hygiene sprays, which may irritate
your urethra.
7. Use only white unscented toilet paper to avoid potential
dye reactions.

If you have ordered the UTI remedy report you already know what foods to avoid and what foods can be key in supporting your healthy urinary tract. For example, foods that contain probiotic bacteria can promote good urinary tract health . . . but beware of the sugar content.

After learning of this discovery I decided never to recommend cranberry juice again . . . unless you juice it yourself, but I don’t know very many people who could handle the taste. Concentrated cranberry can be found in capsule or pill form, but it doesn’t compare to what
I’m going to share today.

I’ve discovered a product that contains the pure source of the active ingredient that makes cranberry so affective.

This new improved source of relief is NOT a drug, so you won’t need a prescription. In fact your body produces this substance as well as cranberries, peaches, apples, some berries and other plants.

However after extensive research the most beneficial source for urinary tract infections actually comes from the Birch tree . . . it’s called D-Mannose.

Here are some of the bonus benefits of D-Mannose:

• Supports your healthy urinary tract.
• Nourishes your healthy flora -- doesn't harm "friendly"
• Doesn't interfere with your normal blood sugar regulation
• Goes to work in your system quickly
• Provides you 100% all natural non-toxic D-Mannose, which
quickly enters your urine, coating and protecting your
bladder and urinary tract. Plus if you’re a vegetarian or
have allergies you be glad to now I’ve discovered the
purest vegetarian formula.

D-Mannose better than cranberries. This specific D-mannose product contains ZERO citrus, egg, gluten, milk, rice, sodium, soy, wheat, yeast, added sugars, starches, synthetic dyes,
artificial flavorings or preservatives.

Remember a spoon full of sugar, or fructose, does not help the medicine go down. Instead processed sugars make your urinary tract infection flare up. Plus, D-Mannose will not
disrupt your blood sugar levels . . . why even take the “fructose risk?” D-Mannose is guaranteed to be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prevent Prostate Cancer

You hear the word “prostate” more and more these days,but apparently few men know what it is until it becomes a medical issue.

The prostate is part of the male reproductive system located at the bottom of your spinal column, between the bladder and colon. Ancient health practitioners understood this is where man’s primal life force rises from . . . that’s why overall vitality and sexual virility depend on
the health of this walnut size gland.

Scientists agree that this “vital gland” is extremely sensitive to environmental toxins as well as a poor diet and lifestyle habits.

In fact, industrialized man has created more than 65,000 bio-toxins that are in our environment, some find there way up the food chain and some are directly added. That’s why
detoxification is the first of the seven important steps to healthy prostate recovery.

Prostate cancer is now one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers attacking modern man, representing about 25% of all tumors. Prostate cancer is a slow disease because only
about 7% of men die within 5 years of being diagnosed.

There is a test that can detect a Prostate Specific Antigen call PSA, but it is not an accurate way to determine cancer.

Because the PSA test is so speculative it misleads many people into making decisions about radical treatments prematurely.

Should they have surgery? Is there something that can be done to reduce or reverse the risks? Should I just take the recommended drugs and wait? When should I act?

Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture for a moment.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

• Why do prostate cancer rates vary from geographic area to area?
• Why are prostate cancer rates mainly in Westernized countries?
• Why do men who live in countries with less instances of prostate diseases have an even higher risk after they start a Westernized diet?

Prostate disease appears to be a disease of the modern industrialized cultures. More and more evidence is suggesting not only is prostate disease influenced by diet, lifestyle and environmental factors, but these same factors may also be triggering a genetic predisposition as well.

Health is the result of what you habitually do . . . in other words, food and lifestyle habits can be your best medicine or your worst poison.

Prostate disease is a process with steps that you can either go up, or down.

All you need is a tiny belief in natural principles, a proven road map, and a willingness to change your life for goodness sake . . . there is NO magical wand and there is NO pharmaceutical cure. But your body has its own healing and regenerating processes that you can work with.

I’m really only reminding you about something your body already knows. You can choose to use proven effective natural principles for true health and wellness or you candepend on being treated by the Westernized medical process.

The Westernized diet and medicine are part of a culture that will take a long time to turn around and transform. But why wait for the whole industrialized world to wake up, when
you can open your own eyes right now?

You can have your own personal revolution today . . .

If you ask anyone who has had a “healing experience” they will tell you the secret was staying focused on “the goal.” We all live on this same ladder of life and one thing is for sure . . . positive change requires insight, determination, and a commitment to knowledge.

Without your sincere drive to have your life back you would never climb out, but people like you are climbing up and out everyday . . . without harmful drugs, chemicals, radiation, or surgery.

There are so many facts I can share with you, but nothing matters without a commitment from you. It’s your life, it’s your search, and that’s why this is your own call to action.

Expect it to get better, because it can and it will, as long as you stop going down the ladder of health and wellness and start looking up.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weight Loss Tips

People who lose weight and keep it off succeed by adapting a healthy lifestyle, not by dieting. You must enforce healthy eating habits that will continue to be part of your life forever. Weight loss isn't something you can do for a few weeks or month. It's a life-long commitment.

Here are twenty-five tips that will help you adapt a slow and steady weight loss plan that you keep help you lose weight and stay healthy.

1. Start with achievable goals

2. Don't expect to drop excess weight quickly. Research shows that people who lose weight slowly are more successful than others who experience quick weight loss.

3. A realistic weight loss goal is two pounds a week.

4. Don't look for miraculous weight loss. If you lose weight quickly your will probably gain it back.

5. Slowly change your eating habits and lifestyle.

6. Weigh yourself once a week maximum. Hoping on the scales everyday will drive you to distraction and will become obsessive. It actually takes as much as two weeks for any weight loss to occur.

7. Eat smaller portions and replace three meals a day with five smaller ones. This helps to control blood sugar and it's easier to burn calories from small, light meals.

8. Mix carbohydrates, protein and fruit for a healthy meal.

9. When enjoying your favorite snack, read the nutrition chart and measure the recommended amount into a bowl. Never eat snacks such as chips, out of a bag. This leads to over-eating.

10. Prepare measured snacks ahead of time. That way you can just go to the cupboard and get a small bag. Never go back for seconds.

11. Drink flavored no-calorie water instead of soda, or add lemon juice or avocado juice to water for a refreshing, thirst quenching drink.

12. Don't use food for comfort or de-stressing.

13. Leave the table immediately after you've finished eating. Avoid desserts or have a cup of low fat yogurt.

14. When you are home and craving an extra rich treat, tie on your walking shoes and go for a walk. By the time you get home the craving most probably will have passed.

15. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day. This can be broken into two, five minute increments, if desired.

16. Park your car at the outside edge of the parking lot, where it's much easier to get a parking space, and then walk to the store. This will help you get in your minimum daily requirement of walking.

17. Wear a pedometer and walk between 5,000 and 10,000 steps per day. This will help you lose weight more quickly while doing so in a healthy manner.

18. Eat a bowl of broth based soup, such as minestrone or vegetable, before eating your meal. This will take the edge off your hunger and you will eat less. Do not eat cream soups, as they are much higher in calories.

19. Reward yourself once a week with a small treat. This helps you to avoid binging and brings weight loss success.

20. Learn to love yourself as you are. Beauty is in the heart and soul. Remind yourself that you are beautiful.

21. Never eat anything after 8 pm.

22. Write down everything you eat. This helps you keep tabs on your food intake. You'll be surprised at how quickly it adds up.

23. Keep food off the table. Place single servings on plates and put them at the place settings. You're more apt to take seconds if the food is within easy reach.

24. Eat vegetables first. Vegetables have lots of fiber, which helps make you feel full before you get to the carbohydrates and fat.

25. Put your fork down between mouthfuls of food. Chew thoroughly and swallow before picking up your fork for the next bite. This allows you to savor your food and it helps you to eat slower, which improves digestion.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nature Powerful Health Secret

Today, I want to share with you one of the most researched
natural food remedies in the world today - Chlorella. The
name Chlorella comes from the root Chloros, meaning green.

We have an undeniable connection between our human DNA,
our environment and our food. Leading scientists are cracking
the food code that nurtures our health and wellness.

You have more than 10 trillion cells in your body and more
than 100 trillion beneficial single celled bacteria in your
digestive system.

Every one of your cells and every one of those beneficial
bacteria depend on specific green nutrients to carry out
their functions.

It’s no surprise the primary source of these green nutrients
comes from healing plants. Ironically, the most superior
nutrients come from some of the smallest food sources on
the planet and Chlorella is the most amazingly potent and
beneficial of ALL!

Your body’s cells need vitamins, minerals and trace elements
to stay healthy. Without sufficient nutrients to build tissue
your body cannot stay alive.

Research shows time and time again that disease’s and
disease-like processes are always a consequence of lack
of required nutrients for healthy cells.

Here's some of the green nutrients hidden in Chlorella:

• Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, carotene, folic acid,
biotin, inositol and choline

• Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Phosphor, Sodium, Potassium,
Zinc, Copper, Magnesium and Urea

• Amino acids: Arginine, Lysine, Histidine, Phenylalanine,
Typosine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Valine,
Alanine, Glycine, Proline, Glutamic-acid, Serine,
Threonine, Aspartic-acid, Tryptophane and Cystine

• Healthy Fatty Acids: Approximately 72% unsaturated and
21% saturated fat

• Chlorophyll: The highest known source of chlorophyll
(5 to 10 times greater than any other plant)

Here's 7 more beneficial hidden secrets in Chlorella:

1. Polysaccharides: More than 50 cellular nutrients with
antitumor, antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic functions.

2. Chlorellan: Having safe natural antibiotic-like benefits
with ZERO negative side effects to the body-friendly
bacteria in your gastro-intestinal tract.

3. Sporopollenin: A carotenoid polymer that is part of the
strong cell wall of Chlorella, but only of the strain
Pyrenoidosa (not Vulgaris), which accelerates the
detoxification of different toxic chemicals/pollutants.

4. Glutathione: This King of anti-oxidants may also help
fight against toxic bacteria and is the main enzyme for
detoxification inside your own cells.

5. Phytosterols: Unique to Chlorella shows anti-inflammatory
and anti-tumor properties.

6. Water-soluble Glycoproteins: Proven to increase immune
defense against different harmful bacteria and virus
infections in normal and immune compromised hosts.

7. Xanthophyll: Also known as lutein, is the dominant
carotenoid that protects our eyes. Xanthophyll is
especially concentrated in the macula, the true center of
sight at the back of the retina. It does, for example,
absorb the damaging ultra-violet rays.

Plus . . .

- Chlorella possesses wound healing and tissue regeneration
properties and acts like a natural antibiotic.

- Chorella helps to control odors from bad breath,
incontinence, or people with colostomies.

- Chlorella increases energy levels and metabolism

- Chlorella can reduce hypertension and strengthen the heart
of people suffering from heart diseases.

- Chlorella helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body

It is estimated that at least 97% of diseases exist due to
under nutrition and environmental toxins!

Despite your best efforts, you still live in a very toxic
world . . . you are surrounded by toxins of all kinds, some
worse than others. These toxins tax any nutrients you are
managing to get.

Chlorella is a smart remedy to begin to detoxify your body
and strengthen your digestive system, which strengthens
your immune system as well.

Research projects carried out mainly in the US and Japan
have shown the powerful detoxification properties of
Chlorella for dioxin, PCB, lead, uranium, cadmium, mercury,
pesticides and insecticides.

In concert with one of the foremost leading researchers on
detoxification, Dr. Mercola did a study that was published
in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine in
March of 2001 . . .

This study concluded the fact that, "Chlorella works to
effectively filter out harmful toxins from the body."

After completing this exhaustive study Dr. Mercola gained
access to the very best Chlorella available anywhere and
formulated ..'The Broken Cell Wall Chlorella Formula..'

Bottom line - Chlorella has proven to be a highly potent
nutritional "all-in-one-formula" and is clearly one Nature's
most powerful health secrets . . .