Monday, July 17, 2006

Knowing Your ABCD's

You’ve seen and heard of them, and you chomp them down religiously every day… but how well do you know your vitamins? After all, there’s obviously more to these supplements than just popping them!

Useful for: Fighting infection, as well as keeping our glands, skin and gums healthy.
Get them: In dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, fish and dairy products.

Useful for: Maintaining proper nerve functioning and digestion of carbohydrates.
Get them: In cereals, nuts. However, because nuts are food that naturally are high in fat and cholesterol, it should be eaten sparingly.

Useful for: Boosting our body’s energy level.
Get them: In fruits and dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt. Other options are bread and liver.

Useful for: Lowering the body’s cholesterol levels, and said to help against cardiovascular disease.
Get them: Cereal, yeast, fish and meat.

Useful for: Breaking down of protein, which is necessary for maintaining and building of muscle tissue.
Get them: In vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry.

Useful for: Forming and maintaining healthy nerve tissue and necessary in functioning of cells.
Get them: In eggs, fish and poultry.

Useful for: Keeping the blood vessels strong and protecting our vascular system. It also aids in healing of cuts and bruises.
Get them: In all citrus fruits such as grapefruit or oranges. Also vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and tomatoes.

Useful for: Building and maintaining the teeth and bones. It also helps our bodies absorb calcium.
Get them: Fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks and fortified milk. These foods are high in fat and cholesterol and where possible, opt for the low fat variety.

Useful for: Forming of red blood cells, and building of muscle tissue and other body tissues. It also helps in preventing cholesterol from sticking to the inside of our arteries.
Get them: In your seafood platter, vegetable oils, nuts, beans, whole wheat and green leafy vegetables.


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